Richmond, VA

Upcoming Classes at Tandy!

Classes have a cap of 12 students unless otherwise noted.  Because of the limited amount of class space, we ask that you enroll for classes in advance of class date by phone, email, or in person at the Richmond store.   Payment will be collected at the end of classes.  Unless otherwise noted, classes are for teenagers over the age of 14 and adults.  Classes will not be held if less than 3 students enroll. 

Richmond Tandy Leather Factory

8934 Quioccasin Rd, Richmond Va, 23229

(804) 750-9970


Saturday, July 9th 11-2pm – Leather Top Hat Class

Make a fashion statement!  Learn to draft a pattern to fit your head, cut, dye, stitch and form a top hat from leather!  Whether you wear it around the house or around town, for steampunk, western, or Halloween, why not try making something a little different?

Class fee- $25 including leather used, dye, and use of tools


Tuesday, July 19th  2-4pm – Silhouette Carving

A great class for any beginning carver, this will give you great experience with the basic practice of using a swivel knife and beveller tools and  background tools, and using antique stains to highlight your carving.  Silhouette carving creates texture designs that are simple yet effective.  This is our first class being hosted on a weekday—if we have a great turnout, expect us to schedule more!  Please bring a swivel knife, and at least one background tool and beveling tool.

Class Fee-$10 includes instructor fee, materials needed for carving and staining.


July 23rd 11-1pm– Treasure Bags and Friendship Wristbands

A class designed for chaperoned school age children between 5 and 13!  We will discuss different types of leather and give the kids the chance to feel different leather types and ask questions.  For the project, we will be making small marble bags out of suede for all of their pocket sized treasures which they can decorate with markers.  Finally, they can stamp and color two wristbands—one to keep and one to give to a friend when it’s time for back to school!  Every child must have adult supervision present throughout the entire class.

Class fee- $7 including materials used, instruction, and use of tools

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